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Become a Self-Made Celebrity

You know you were born to have your voice heard by the masses. Now it’s time to make it happen.

You know that you were born to be famous.

But your outer world isn't quite reflecting that yet. 

You may be doing "all the things" that every podcast, guru, professor and success story has ever told you to do, but still not seeing the results you know deep down you are meant for.

You might even be starting to wonder if you are actually just a little too delulu. 

You're not.

This is a safe space for you to admit that there's a voice inside of you telling you that you were meant for a big life full of freedom, creativity, fame and impact. You want to make a positive impact in this world using your creative passions.

You have the talent, you have the drive, you have the passion.

This is the last piece.

Struggling to Break Through? Here's Why Most Talented Creatives Remain Unseen

For most people, becoming an artist, creative or influencer means putting your work out there, doing the "struggling artist" grind and HOPING that people will catch on, while still paying your bills with your side hustle.

It feels like you're showing up in an oversaturated market just waiting for someone to pick you and finally give you your big break!

Maybe you've tried posting every day, auditioning like crazy, or submitting your work to a million festivals or competitions, but it's starting to feel like no one is listening.

What's even more frustrating is watching people who are just as talented and just as creative as you popping off. Maybe you're starting to wonder if maybe they are just lucky or somehow special.

You Already Have the Talent – Now Learn the Proven Method to Become a Household Name

If you want to be one of the ones who does make it, you need to be able to captivate, allure and attract audiences and gatekeepers.

The only difference between the people who become well-known household names and the people who stay "struggling" is the ability to turn heads and draw people to YOU.

You can keep posting until you are blue in the face, but until you develop the It Factor, the je ne sais quoi, or what I call Celebrity Energy, you will continue spinning your wheels and shouting into a void, getting more and more frustrated, and more and more convinced that you weren't cut out for this.

Real Results: How Our Clients Transformed Their Lives with Celebrity Energy

Lindsey, Coach

Eduardo, Actor

Contrary to popular belief, Celebrities are made, not born: no one is born having the It Factor. It is a skill that you can learn.

If you've been struggling to create the impact, success and fame that you know that you are capable of, learning this one skill, the skill of turning on your Celebrity Energy, is the only piece that you are missing that is blocking you from success.

And the good news? The process is shockingly easy to follow!

Once you learn it, you'll be able to repeat it at every level of your career so that you can not only hit your next level of fame, but to scale beyond that as far as you want to go.

Learning this simple and repeatable process is the only thing standing between you and your big break.

Fame is available for you too!

Meet Whitney Uland

The Industry Insider Who Cracked the Code to Stardom

Hi! I'm Whitney.

I've been in the entertainment industry for over 12 years and worked alongside some of our generations greatest talents.

But my journey to creating success was not always easy.

When I first graduated with my BFA in musical theatre and moved to New York city, I knew I was talented but I could not get #bookedandblessed to save my life. Meanwhile all of my friends and classmates were already working on Broadway.

After 3 years of getting nowhere, I finally found a very reputable manager who saw my talent and my passion and thought she could make me a *star*.

So for 2 years, she pitched me and pitched me and pitched me. But I couldn't book ANYTHING.

I even went to her offices once per week where she poked and prodded at me, my work and my marketing materials. She introduced me to top-tier casting directors, agents, publicists and social media experts.

And none of THEM could figure out why I wasn't popping off.

Until finally, she concluded that I "just didn't have the It Factor." 

This sent me on a deep dive mission to figure out exactly what the It Factor, or what I call Celebrity Energy is, how it works, and how TF you can create it for yourself.

As soon as I figured it out, I started booking work like crazy. I joined the actors unions, signed with a top Hollywood agency as an actor, writer and director, booked high-paying and creatively-fulfilling work as an actor, won awards around the world and even got asked to start speaking at events and panels.

Now I have created a simple and repeatable framework so that you can tap into Celebrity Energy too. Over the past 6 years, I've coached hundreds of artists, creatives and influencers through my process to help them create the career and success that they have always known that they were meant for.


The Self-Made Celebrity
VIP Mentorship

Get on the proven path to create the resource of fame and become known for doing what you love, with the personal support and guidance to get you there fast.

Following a proven process, rooted in human psychology, you can tap into your unique magnetism and learn to attract massive audiences.

Additional Bonuses!

They say "new levels, new devils."

Once you learn how to create the resource of fame, you're going to have new challenges to overcome. That's why I've built out an entire Content Vault of additional trainings to help support you as you continue to grow.

Bonus 1: Celebrity Energy Deep Dive

In the Celebrity Energy Bonus Training, you will learn exactly how to build a solid foundation for fame and success, and identify and develop your unique celebrity persona so that you will be able to create a safe, and long-lasting career without burning out quickly or becoming a one-hit wonder.

Bonus 2: Create a Cult Like Following

An exclusive training designed to help you build an audience that is truly obsessed with you. Whether you're an influencer, coach, artist, or entrepreneur, this program will guide you in creating a devoted community that amplifies your message and supports your journey to fame.

Bonus 3: Entrepreneur to Empire

Build a large, cult-like following on social media of followers who are obsessed with you and what you have to say. This bonus will teach you the exact strategy to build a successful Tiktok or Instagram following. 

Bonus 4: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

If you have ever hit success and then thrown it away, you’ll love the Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Bonus Workbook, where you will learn exactly how to step into bigger and bigger levels of fame. This means that at every level of your career, you’ll be able to nip self sabotage in the bud.

Bonus 5: Building A Business

If you want to translate your creativity and experience into a brand or business, you’ll love the Building Your Business special bonus training. Once you learn how to simply and easily launch a business, you’ll be able to open more and more avenues for wealth, fame and success and expand into your true Celebrity Self. 

Bonus 6: Navigating Indecision

If you often catch yourself getting stuck with indecision, you’ll love the Decision Making bonus training, where you’ll learn exactly how to overcome indecision and know how to make the right decisions for your business, career and life. 

Bonus 7: My Stress Response and Overcoming Anxiety

Learn how to overcome stress and anxiety in the My Stress Response bonus module. Once you learn how to overcome stage fright, stress, worry and anxiety, not only will you experience more day-to-day peace and happiness, but your art will also exponentially improve because we can’t create at the highest level when we’re in survival mode.

Bonus 8: Getting Un-Stuck

Learn the 10-minute daily practice that will help you shift out of ANY negative funk and back into an aligned, flowy state where you not only enjoy life more, but also create results faster. This means you never have to stay trapped in negative emotions or downward spirals that last for weeks or even months.

Bonus 9: Money Mindset

If you want to make money from a place of fun and flow while using your creative talents, you’ll love the Money Mindset Bonus Course. This will keep you from having to go back to a 9-5 you hate and instead give you the lifestyle freedom to follow your creative pursuits.

Here's How It Works

Stage 1:  Learn the 6 Step Process for Developing Celebrity Energy

Through a repeatable, six-step process, you will learn EXACTLY how to overcome your primitive, caveman instincts and instead become a magnet for the fame, success and opportunities that you know you are meant for. Say goodbye to self sabotage and hello to opportunities, followers, fame and success with more fun and flow.

Stage 2:  Pick the Right Goal For You

Most creatives don't realize that they are setting themselves up for failure by picking the wrong goals. Go through our foundational modules which will guide you in picking a goal that will actually set you up for success. Get support and feedback on your goal.

Stage 3: Master the Process Through Coaching and Mentorship 

Having the information is only one piece of the puzzle. Becoming the person who has mastered the knowledge is where people fall short of actually achieving their goals. With six months of coaching, mentoring, accountability and community support you’ll have everything you need to succeed. That’s why we offer a Goal-Hitting guarantee. 

Here's What's Included

Everything you’ll need to create Celebrity Energy

Celebrity Energy Core Training Modules

Learn the simple six-step process to create Celebrity Energy so that you can become a magnet to opportunities and audiences.

These modules include video trainings, meditations, exercises and worksheets so that you can tap into the fame and success that you daydream of.

Community Access

Join our online community of artists, creatives and influencers who are supporting each other and cheering each other on in their journey to fame.

They say you're an average of the 5 people you spend the most time with - elevate your self-concept by surrounding yourself by other artists, creatives and influencers who are also creating wild success.

Mentorship and Guidance

For six months, you'll have access to coach directly with me and my team of coach instructors. Learn how to embody Celebrity Energy on our live coaching calls - we host 6 calls per month. Raise your hand to get coaching or submit your question ahead of time (anonymously if you prefer). All replays are immediately uploaded to the portal. We also have a private portal where you can get your questions answered M-F.

Plus all of my courses in the content vault.

We’re So Confident in Your Success, We Guarantee It!

I know that you'll be thrilled with the Self-Made Celebrity and with the result that you get. In short: this process works if you work it.

That's why if you do all the work and you haven't hit the goal you set in the foundational modules, you can turn your work in and we will continue working with you in perpetuity until you do hit that goal.

No, this is NOT a no questions asked, money-back guarantee. Why? The point of this policy is to give you full assurance that doing the work will yield the results and safeguard you if --somehow; honestly, inexplicably--it doesn't. (If you don't do the work, we're not responsible for your inability to yield the results. Which makes sense, right?)

I'm serious about helping people become famous and I only work with people who are just as serious about themselves and their careers. We're going all in on you and we want to make sure you're just as dedicated. You can find the full terms and conditions here.

✔ The Self-Made Celebrity Core training modules

​✔ 6-Months of group coaching with me and my coach instructors (6 calls per month for 6 months)

​✔ All Questions Answered - submit your questions on our private community forum for written coaching and guidance

​✔ Rad private community of other artists, creatives and influencers cheering each other on

✔ Monthly networking call to get to know the other future celebrities in the program

✔ Monthly Gatekeeper call with an industry insider so you learn how to influence the people who can open doors for you

✔ Create a Cult Like Following Bonus​

✔ Money Mindset Bonus

​✔ Celebrity Energy Deep Dive Training

​✔ Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Bonus

​✔ Building a Brand/Business Bonus

​✔ Entrepreneur to Empire Bonus

​✔ Navigating Indecision

​✔ The Getting Un-Stuck Training Bonus

✔ Overcoming Anxiety 


Client Wins & Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions

The Self-Made Celebrity will work for you IF:

- You know you are meant to be famous

- You've struggled to create the fame, following and opportunities that you know you are capable of having

- You are ready to face fear head-on and commit to actually making your dreams a reality

- You want to overcome self-sabotage once and for all and instead become a magnet for your desires

- You want to be known for your passions and create a massive impact doing what you love

- You're open to learning new things

- You are ready to pop off



You could keep doing what you're doing. Keep working yourself into the ground, trying to catch your big break in an oversaturated market, waiting for people to finally catch on to you. You can spend years trying to cobble together the years of experience, training, expertise and knowledge from coaches, healers, books, podcasts and gurus, that I have poured into this program.


You can decide that life is too short to not be creating the audiences, fame and opportunities that you are meant for you. You can take the shortcut and get the support you need from someone who has helped hundreds of other artists, creatives and influencers, plus the exact strategy and roadmap to creating the success that you are capable of, so that you can spend more of your life enjoying fame, and less of your life struggling to create it.

Choice two is that you move forward and take control of your career, your fame, your income and your life. You can do this and you're about to get all of the steps and the support that you need to get you there.

Have further questions?

Are you interested in joining but still have a few questions? Sign up for a group Q&A call to have all of your questions answered!

*Note: this is not a coaching call. This call is for those who have specific questions about the Self-Made Celebrity VIP Mentorship Program.

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